Saturday, November 13, 2021

Kerry Chronicles: Nohoval Cemetery

In 2019, our brother Patrick Moynahan sponsored our very first trip to Ireland so that we could walk in the footsteps of our ancestors. Back home in Canada, our research has continued and the stories we find are being shared under the banner "The Kerry Chronicles".

My brother Patrick at the Rathmore cemetery in Kerry, Ireland in spring of 2019

Our visit to three cemeteries in Kerry, Ireland was unplanned. Nohoval Cemetery was the third cemetery we visited, wildly overgrown and extremely difficult to walk through. 


The three cemeteries in Ireland that we visited in 2019

We found many more Moynihans / "Moynahans" on that 2019 visit.

Since then, I have learned some new facts that I wished that I would have known before our visit ... and that I want to share now.

My brother inspects the headstone of Daniel D. Moynihan of Shinnagh Aged 92 (1816-1908) and his beloved wife Annie (Buckley) Moynihan (1826-1900)

I have pulled from many sources to write this Nohoval cemetery blog post: photographs from our 2019 Ireland trip; the Casey Collection known as “O'Kief, Coshe Mang, Slieve Lougher and the Upper Blackwater"; The Irish National Folklore Collection; Ancestry Trees and information from paternal atDNA and Y-DNA  testing results.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Remember Them November 11

My genealogical research has provided me with many details about the role that many of my ancestors played in the two world wars as well as wars prior to the First World War. I try to imagine the impact this military service had on the ancestors as well as their families at home.

  • A widow in Windsor awaits word after being notified that her only son, Leo Joseph Martin Broderick, is missing in action after his plane was shot down over Germany. He never made it home to Windsor, Ontario and is buried in Durnbach War Cemetery, Germany.
  • A young man, James Coveny, enlists at eighteen years of age naming his sixteen year old sister as his only next of kin. Probably due to his skill with horses, he is assigned to the 5th Battalion Canadian Mounted Rifles. He arrived in England in May 1916 and while riding through Remy Wood on his horse August 1918 he was "severely wounded by shell fire", was evacuated by No.4 Field Ambulance where he died. He never made it home to Tilbury, Ontario and is buried in Achicourt Road Cemetery, France.

When November 11 comes every year, I remember them. The ancestors who never made it home and those who made it home and were changed forever by their experience.

This is part of Leo Joseph Martin Broderick's file that I was given for review when I visited the Library and Archives of Canada in 2014.

"Knowing about an ancestor who served (in the military) and learning about the role they played and how war impacted their life can be an emotional experience that brings relevance to Remembrance commemorations." (Lesley Anderson, spokesperson for Ancestry)

In November, the Canadian War Museum offered "Researching Family Military History: How to Start" with tips for research in each of the following four categories.

  • Pre-First World War (PFWW)
  • First World War: 1914 - 1918 (FWW)
  • Second World War: 1939-1945 (SWW)
  • Post Second World War (PSWW)

Do you know the names of any of your ancestors who served in any of those periods? Would you like to learn more?

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

A One-Name Study: The Annal Family

My Wallaceburg, Ontario Annal Family (Left to right: Back: Joe Hess, John Annal, William Annal, Gabriel Hess; Front: Mary Jane Annal, Mary (Hess) Annal, James Henry Allan Annal, unknown, Elizabeth Annal)

Lifelines Research (aka David Annal) tweeted that his "Great Aunt, Margaret Sinclair ANNAL, was born on 3 November 1904. She became the keeper of the family stories and I was always told when I asked questions about the family that Aunty Margaret would have known. Unfortunately she had died in 1973." to which I tweeted back (replied),  "I have Annals and Sinclairs in my family as well ...." 

This casual twitter exchange continued and eventually led me to David's website:  "The Annals of the Annals" which David writes: 

"Welcome to The Annals of the Annals, a website dedicated to research into the Annal surname. The site was first launched in 2002 and was relaunched in October 2017 as an 84th birthday present for my father, Eric Annal.

The aim of the site is to provide a home for the research that I’ve carried out over the past 40 years but also to act as a focal point for all researchers who have a shared interest in the name and its origins."

After looking quickly at David's website, I immediately learned that my Annal family tree is found in David's Group G of his Annal family groupings from A to P.

Today's blog post looks at what I learned today and the benefits of doing a one name (or one-surname) study such as the one David has done for the past forty years.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Creighton Trivia: Which Ancestor Played The Trumpet ?

My cousins are organizing another Creighton (Crichton) - Moreland - Melhuish family reunion for 2022 to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. 

I am trying to think of ways that I could contribute and I recently stumbled across the Family Search "In-Home" Activities aimed to connect younger ones with their family history and ancestors using a "Trivia Game".

This is one of the prototypes I have developed for my 2nd great-grandfather Charles Douglas Crichton who was born on the 2nd of October 1846 at South Sea Castle, Southampton, England and who died the 4th of August 1910 Halifax, Nova Scotia following a work related accident in the shipyards.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

My Visit to the Wellington Archives

In October 2021 I finally visited (with my daughter) the Wellington County Museum and Archives, a trip that I was obliged to postpone for two years due to the COVID pandemic and the resultant restrictions on public activities in Ontario. On this trip, we also visited the Drayton, Ontario cemetery where ancestor William Foreman (1820-1900) is buried.

Photo taken on drive through Wellington county, Ontario (October 2021)

The beautiful drive to 0536 Wellington Rd 18, Fergus, Ontario from my daughter's Toronto apartment took close to two hours which made me wonder about the Foreman family and the conditions they must have endured traveling in the early 1800s when they chose to settle on the 11th Concession Lot 6, Township of Peel, Wellington County ( not to be confused with Peel, the County).

Reviewing Wellington County Maps at the Wellington County Museum and Archives (Oct 2021)

This report of my trip to the Wellington county archives,museums, libraries and cemeteries is in three parts:

  1. The research you must do BEFORE you visit any archive or cemetery
  2. The research you do while you are at the archive and/or cemetery.
  3. The research you do to follow up after you’re home.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Essex County Midwife - Mary (Brennan) Moynahan

My 2nd great-grandmother Mary (Brennan) Moynahan (1841-1926) was a midwife in Essex county, Ontario according to the oral history passed down to me by my first cousins (twice removed) Bernard Broderick (1916-1992), Evelyn (Lennon) Janice (1916-2009) and Genevieve (Broderick) Wheeler (1908-2003).

Mary (Brennan) Moynahan (on the right) with unidentified woman

In a letter dated the 23rd of April 1985 to her cousin Joe Finn, Evelyn (Lennon) Janice said that she had heard from her other cousin Genevieve (Broderick) Wheeler (in California) who had lived with Jeremiah and Mary (Brennan) Moynahan (and Aunt Nellie Moynahan) for four years (likely following the death of her mother in 1919). Genvieve told Evelyn that, "grandma acted as the local midwife".

Source: Letter from Evelyn (Lennon) Janice to Joseph Finn dated 1985

This blog post describes my search for proof that the stories handed down were true and that 2nd GG Mary (Brennan) Moynahan was an Essex county midwife in the 1800s

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

On This Day: Frederick Dixon Foreman Was Born In 1880

I thought a lot about my husband's great grandfather Frederick Dixon Foreman (1880-1951) this month. F.D. Foreman was born on this day the 20th of October 1880 in Wellington, Ontario the first-born son of blacksmith William H. Foreman and his wife Martha (Moore).

The Foreman Family: Great-grandfather Fredrick Dixon, great-grandmother Hannah (Hegna), and four of their six children. Left Geraldine, Lola, Shirley and Don (Grandfather Donald Jennings Foreman) (Photo Source: With permission from Susan Morris granddaughter of Geraldine Foreman (1908-1974))

Also in the month of October 2021, I visited the Wellington County Museum and Archives to research my husband's 3rd great grandfather William Foreman (1820-1900) and to visit his final resting place in Drayton, Ontario's Victoria Cemetery. I will report on my findings in a separate blog post ( I am awaiting permissions to post photos).

Wellington County Museum and Archives, in Fergus, Ontario, Canada.  RR#1 Fergus, ON N1M 2W3 0536 County Road 18 (GFDL/CC-by-SA 3.0)

Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Thomas of Cork - Found At Last!

In 1900, eighty-seven year-old Timothy Moynahan (1813-1902) sat on his Mercer St. (Windsor, Essex, Ontario) porch for a Detroit Free Press photographer to take his photograph. Speaking with a "bit of the brogue - just enough of the rippling dialect of the Kerry man" Timothy described his journey from Ireland to the Americas when he "was 9 years of age" in the 1820s.

 Detroit Free Press Detroit, Michigan 25 Nov 1900, Sun  •  Page 37

I first located this news article in the 1980s in the Detroit Public Library - Burton Collection and I was delighted to learn of the details of the voyage,  

"The Thomas of Cork, Captain Bamfield , master, was the ship upon which we sailed. She was an old war remnant, as slow as molasses in January and the trip occupied six weeks and three days."

"A lonely voyage it would have been too if it had not been for the fact that there were sixty-two women, a flute player and a piper aboard. The women were wives of soldiers that were serving the crown in this country, and they were coming over to join their husbands."

"Between the women and the musicians, the time passed pleasantly. The piper was an untiring Highlander, and he succeeded in driving all the rats from the old schooner. The music of the Scotch bagpipes will do that same you know.” 

For over thirty years I have searched every emigrant index in the hope of finding the ship "The Thomas of Cork" or the Captain "Bamfield" to no avail until this week when I found this advertisement on "Find My Past - Irish Newspapers"


Friday, September 17, 2021

Moynahan Bowling Stories

One of my favourite parts of family history research is collecting stories from family members. 

Recently I came across a newspaper clipping about my grandmother Rhea (Coughlin) Moynahan (1902-1992) bowling in 1952. (The newspaper refers to her as Mrs. Ernest Moynahan as was the practice in the 1950s)

The next time I spoke with my father on the phone, I said, "I didn't know Grandma Moynahan was bowling when she was fifty years old, and that she won trophies and was the Vice-President of her bowling League!" (In the final paragraph, it is reported that she was elected President at the banquet!)

CLIPPED FROM The Windsor Star  Windsor, Ontario, Canada 06 Jun 1952, Fri  •  Page 35

My father said, "Yes, she was very involved in the Catholic Women's League at Immaculate Conception parish and they organized a 5-pin women's bowling league at the Wyandotte Bowling Alley." 

He added, "And I bet you didn't know that my brother John and I worked as pin-boys at the St Angela Merici bowling alley that was in the basement of the church and that John organized a pin-boy strike there for higher wages."

I wanted to learn more about the Moynahans and bowling in Windsor, Ontario in the 1940s and 1950s.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

September 2021 Conference

The BRITISH ISLES FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY OF GREATER OTTAWA will be hosting a virtual conference “Irish Lines and Female Finds” exploring Irish records, female ancestors and genetic genealogy. (Only $45 for the week) September 19-26, 2021 Link:

I am pleased to announce that I will be participating in one of several virtual breakout rooms (under “Conference Connect”) Tuesday afternoon and Thursday night to discuss “Female Ancestors”.


Saturday, September 11, 2021

National Grandparents Day 2021

Grandparents Day is celebrated in various countries and on various dates around the world. In North America it is celebrated on the first Sunday in September following Labour Day. 

The official flower for Grandparents Day is the Forget-Me-Not which echoes the work of genealogists and family historians who aim to record, preserve and share our ancestors stories. Grandparents are key in helping genealogists build family trees and understanding cousin relationships.

“Grandparenthood” is a universal status that has changed throughout human history. These days, grandparents are likely to be healthier, wealthier and longer-lived than ever before. In some cultures, grandparents live with grandchildren and play an active and direct role while in other cultures, grandparents step in when needed and called upon.

I was lucky to have known all four of my beloved grandparents:

  1. Rhea (Coughlin) Moynahan (1902-1992) who made the best date squares, sewed summer tops for her grandchildren, wrote each of her grandchildren's names on vintage metal drinking glasses, and had cousins play penny and dice games on her kitchen table, etc
  2. Ernest Joseph Moynahan (1900-1974) who had strong hands, smoked a sweet-smelling tobacco, would give the grandchildren pocket change to go to the corner store and would listen to Detroit baseball games on his transistor radio sitting on his Marentette Avenue veranda, etc
  3. Dorothy (Moreland) Creighton (1909-2000) who told us about our England connection, stories about Halifax, crocheted and knitted slippers, scarves, mitts and doilies, made the best English trifle, etc
  4. Frederick Douglas Creighton (1907-1996) who worked at the Halifax shipyards, loved playing cards (especially cribbage), quizzed his grandchildren with questions about life, etc

Below is a vintage movie taken on a visit to our Moynahan grandparents home in Windsor, Ontario. These visits were always filled with much happiness, love, laughter and so many good memories. (YouTube link: ) 

By sharing family stories, grandparents can be key in building resilience in their grandchildren ... especially when they share " the stories about the hard stuff endured by our ancestors (like "we came here with nothing"). Hearing about our ancestor's setbacks and losses (and how they got through them) can be a "secret super power" for children when they have to overcome some inevitable obstacle in their life." (Source: "Telling My Settler Stories")

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Four Moreland Children - Three Continents

I often refer to the four Moreland children (Jemima, Catherine, John and Mary Jane) as "orphans" but that is not entirely true.

The children's mother, (my 2nd great grandmother) Agnes Bell (Hind) Moreland died at thirty-three years-of-age in 1888 in Springburn, Glasgow, Scotland. The children's father Charles Moreland was a steam ship fireman sailing between England and Australia and away at the time of his wife's death. Agnes' aunt Mary (Bell) Weir (1825-1893) was the informant on their mother's death registration and took charge of the children in the father's absence.

Springburn, Glasgow as seen from Breeze Tower (Source: Lost Glasgow FaceBook)

Grandaunt Mary (Bell) Weir (1825-1893) would also ultimately decide the fates of the four children Jemima (11 years), Catherine "Kate" (9 years), John (7 years) and Mary Jane (5 years) and by 1914, these children would be located on three continents: North America (Canada), Europe (Scotland) and Australia.

What follows is their story of separation, reunion and many unknowns.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Friday, August 6, 2021

Final Resting Place: John Miller Moreland (1882-1940)

In July 2021, returning home to Ottawa from Toronto, I decided to stop and visit the Cataraqui Cemetery in Kingston, Ontario for the very first time to pay my respects to my great grandfather 
John Miller Moreland.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

The Olympics: "Faster, Higher, Stronger"

Congratulations to Canada’s Andre De Grasse who won GOLD yesterday in the Men’s 200m with a time of 19.62 seconds making him the first Canadian to win gold in the 200m since Percy Williams in 1928!!
Joseph Foreman at the 1956 Olympics.

Most Foreman descendants are unaware that Joseph Foreman (1933-1999) also competed in the Olympics in the 200m race in 1956!

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Colorizing and Animating Ancestor Photos

I recently shared an animation on social media of my 2nd great-grandmother (2nd GG) Mary (Brennan) Moynahan (1841-1926) (based on the photograph below) using MyHeritage Deep Nostalgia™, video reenactment technology

2nd GG Mary (Brennan) Moynahan (1841-1926) pictured on the right with unidentified woman. Photo Source: Frank Lyon Photo Collection

I enjoy exploring and sharing new Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications and technologies to use with my old photographs, however, nothing could prepare me for the mix of reactions I received when I animated and posted my 2nd great-grandmother Mary (Brennan) Moynahan's photo online! 

 "Not liking it.", wrote one woman. "This is awesome", wrote another. What could explain these contradictory reactions?

Monday, June 21, 2021

Black Forty-Seven: The Brodericks Atlantic Crossing

I didn't want to get my hopes up when I learned new details about my 3rd great-grandfather Michael Broderick's (1801-1889) emigration from Ireland to Canada

After all, Michael Broderick's obituary said that the family sailed from Ireland to Quebec in 1847. Over 400 ships sailed to Quebec in that year referred to as "a black page in the annals of the sea"! 

Rev John A Gallagher  (who wrote "The Irish Emigration of 1847 and Its Canadian Consequences") said that "The Irish themselves have written this year (1847) down as "Black Forty-Seven" -- a year black with Famine, Disease, Death and Exile from the land of their birth." Gallagher added, "The manner of transporting the Irish emigrant of '47 fills a black page in the annals of the Sea. Anything that could float or hold a sail was used to carry the emigrant across the sea. ... Dr. Douglas, the medical Superintendent of Grosse Île, estimated that 8,000 died at sea in 1847.

What could I learn about Irish emigration to Canada in 1847? What kinds of records exist that could help me piece together the Broderick family's journey?

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Ontario Township Papers For Matthew Moynahan (1770-1860)

Piecing together the story of our ancestors has become increasingly more convenient as many records are digitized and made available online.

The Archives of Ontario's most popular collections have been digitized by Family Search International and made available for free.

Thanks to the Kent Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society, when I reviewed the Ontario Township Papers for Sandwich, Ontario, I discovered 23 pages of correspondence dated 1835 to 1848 from my 4th Great Grandfather Matthew Moynahan (1770-1860)

Friday, June 18, 2021

Ancestry Adds The Casey Collection

In October 2020, I blogged about a wonderful presentation by the Olde Sandwich South and Area Historical Society OSSAHS regarding the Irish settlement in Sandwich South, Ontario and how it was connected to the Blackwater area of Cork and Kerry, Ireland.

Screen Capture of Essex OGS Pesentation (21:27)

Saturday, June 12, 2021

When Obituaries Get It Right (And Sometimes Wrong)

In building my Broderick family tree, I have relied upon obituaries to fill in many of the blanks. Recently, with the discovery of my 3rd Great Grandfather Michael Broderick's obituary, I contacted my fellow Broderick researchers (and DNA matches) to ask them a question:

Is it possible that Marcus ("Mark") Broderick (1838-1912) pictured below with his son Marcus (1868-1945), was not my 3rd great-grandfather Michael Broderick's nephew, but rather his son?

Photo source: American cousin T.S.: Broderick Father and Son: Marcus Sr. and Marcus Jr Taken about 1895 in Holland, Ottawa Co., Michigan, USA

Friday, June 4, 2021

Randy Majors "Ancestor Search" Yields Surprising Results

Randy Majors created an online tool called "Ancestor Search" for genealogists and it is one of the BEST search engines that I regularly use and one that often yields surprising results. 

Today, while using "Ancestor Search", I found another Broderick family history researcher (at Irelandxo) AND an obituary for my 3rd great-grandfather Michael Broderick (1801-1889) for the very first time.

Those two findings inspired this blog post in the hope that this method can help others locate their ancestors as well.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Update For Subscribers By Email

In April, 2021 Google announced that the Feedburner service (that has been automatically generating emails about this blog) would be discontinued in July 2021.

I have been researching alternatives to FeedBurner and reviewing the two options that would be best for my subscribers: migrate all current subscribers OR request that subscribers sign up all over again?

I have chosen the email subscription service offered by I chose because:

  • it is committed to no email SPAM
  • the basic level of subscription is 100% free for both emails and RSS readers
  • it's a mature operation and not a start-up
  • it takes the EU GDPR seriously - unclear about applicability for Canadian privacy/data protection
  • it offers choice to the follower re what their preference is for how they want to follow
  • N.B. above points originally appeared on blog Making A Mark  along with several other recommendations

If you were a previous subscriber, 

please subscribe again using the 

"Follow by email" form on the right. 


Please let me know if you have any problems and thank you for your patience

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

My May 2021 Webinar: "Finding Our Female Ancestors"

In May 2021, I was invited by the Essex Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society to present a webinar entitled "Finding Your Female Ancestors". This one hour presentation is now available on the Essex OGS Ont YouTube channel.

Link to Webinar on YouTube:

Below is a brief outline of my remarks as well as links to the two handouts that I created that include worksheets and links to resources.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Mortimer ("Morty") Moynahan (1833-1881)

Police arrived at the tenement house No. 445 Cherry Street in New York City in July 1874 and inside they discovered Mortimer Moynahan "in a dying state while the dead body of his wife lay in an adjoining apartment". 

The initial headlines of the day reported "Husband and Wife Commit Suicide As A Relief From Poverty"

Source: Clipped from Boston Post Boston, Massachusetts 14 Jul 1874, Tue  •  P

Something did not seem right to me about this story. As I dug deeper, and with the help of William Casey at the Skibbereen Historical Society, I came to learn that Mortimer Moynahan was a dominant leader in the Fenian Uprising in 1867.

Despite O’Donovan Rossa’s words, today Mortimer Moynahan is largely forgotten in all of the history books.  

I am so thankful that William Casey has examined Morty Moynahan's life and work in the hopes that it "will go a small way to redressing that ‘treason’" and I am happy to include Morty Moynahan's story in the Moynahan Scrapbook. section of my blog

Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Minahan Titanic Story

I have collected A LOT of "Moynahan" stories  (and all spelling variants of the surname) over the years. The Moynahan/Minahan stories where I have not yet established a DNA or paper trail linking them to my Moynahan family roots are filed in my "Moynahan Scrapbook". 

This is the story of Dr. William Edward Minahan who decided in 1912 to take a six-month vacation with his wife and sister Daisy to their ancestral Ireland. While away, Dr. Minahan's sister Daisy was suddenly stricken with appendicitis while they were in Italy and Dr. Minahan rushed her to Paris to perform the operation.

Dr. William Edward Minahan
The family decided to cut their vacation short after visiting Killarney, Ireland and return to the port of New York to make their way home to Green Bay Wisconsin. They purchased tickets on the Titanic.

They were the only First Class passengers to board the Titanic at Queenstown (now called Cobh, Ireland). They paid £90 for their ticket and were assigned to cabin C-78

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Part II: The Curds of Dover, England

My maternal grandmother Dorothy Claire (Moreland) Creighton (1909-2000) never really knew her mother Florence Mary (Curd) Moreland (1886-1915) because Florence died at the very young age of 28 years after suffering for two years with pulmonary tuberculosis.

Dorothy Claire (Moreland) Creighton (1909-2000) and her mother Florence Mary (Curd) Moreland (1886-1915)

What I love about the Curd family story is how loved and close Dorothy felt to her mother's sisters (Dorothy's three aunts: Frances, Alice and May) despite the fact that Dorothy's mother died when she was only six years old and Dorothy was born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia and her aunts lived their entire lives in England.

Florence Mary (Curd) Moreland's sisters Frances, Alice and May Curd of Dover, England (Source: Chandler Family Archives)

Sunday, April 11, 2021

An eBay Photograph Leads Me (Incorrectly) To Minehan DNA Matches

The Scene: It's Monday morning and I'm clearing my email inbox and I come across an eBay alert for Minahan's Wendell Inn at Crooked Lake, N.Y." dated 1914.

eBay Item: Antique Postcard: Minahan's Wendell Inn, Sand Lake,  New York, (note the Model T Car) ( $29.99 USD)

So naturally, I looked at all of the  Minahans in my family tree and ran some newspaper searches for the "Wendell Inn".

One thing led to another and, fast forward five hours later, this lovely 1914 photo had led me from New York to Massachusetts to Michigan to Texas and to several Ancestry DNA matches! I immediately created and posted a blog post in all of the excitement only to confirm hours later that the DNA match family tree had several significant errors

Below is the chronological description of my discovery, excitement and the reality check that all was NOT what it appeared.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Daniel J. Coughlin's Elgin Pocket Watch

 During the period of COVID-19 in 2020 when all of the archives and museums around the world were forced to close, many museums and individuals started posting photos with the hashtag #MyMuseum on twitter .

In particular, I was inspired by the tweets being posted by @farmersfriend who shared a photo and story of an item from his personal museum every day on twitter. He wrote, 

"As we grow older 
many of us create
our own museum of things.

The idea of sharing photos from our personal museums inspired me to create this new genealogy series entitled  #OurMuseum. 
Here is the story of an Elgin Pocketwatch that was given to Daniel J. Coughlin as a retirement gift and has been lovingly handed down over the years.
Daniel John Coughlin (1874-1948)

The Coughlin China Cabinet

During the period of COVID-19 in 2020 when all of the archives and museums around the world were forced to close, many museums and individuals started posting photos with the hashtag #MyMuseum on twitter .

In particular, I was inspired by the tweets being posted by @farmersfriend who shared a photo and story of an item from his personal museum every day on twitter. He wrote, 

"As we grow older 
many of us create
our own museum of things.

The idea of sharing photos from our personal museums inspired me to create this new genealogy series entitled  #OurMuseum. Here are some of the treasures and trinkets in #OurMuseum that have meaning for members of our large extended family. 

This is the story about Daniel J. Coughlin's China Cabinet pictured below (on the right) in June 1946 beside the Shea-Coughlin-Pucino family dinner table (Manchester, Connecticut)

This photo was colorized at My Heritage

Oh the conversations that China Cabinet must have witnessed!

Thursday, March 18, 2021

The Indiana Covered Bridges Road Trip

Due to COVID-19, the Creighton sisters (my aunts Barb and Deb) have not visited each other since October 2019. One sister lives in the United States and the other one lives in Canada. The borders between the two countries have been closed to non-essential travel since March 2020.

Barb and Deb have had to rely on regular telephone conversations and during a recent call, they reminisced about that time back in September (28-29) 2016 when they both headed off to Indiana to see how many covered bridges they could visit.

The "Indiana Covered Bridges Road Trip" was a trip rich in wonderful memories for the two sisters and this is a photo record of that trip.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Elizabeth (Moynahan) Burke (1959 - 2018)

In memory of a dear cousin Elizabeth (Moynahan) Burke (March 31, 1959 - March 5, 2018)

The shock of Elizabeth's sudden passing on March 5, 2018 in her Windsor, Ontario home was felt far and wide. Anyone who had ever met her will tell you that she lit up the room with her positive energy, generous spirit, loving heart and incredible sense of humour.

Elizabeth, nicknamed "Liz" and "Bummer", was a force to be reckoned with.This page is written in remembrance of her.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

A Moynahan Horse Tale

We hope that the reader enjoys this horse tale that begins one cold January winter night in 1971 at a farmer's auction in Snelgrove, Ontario. 

The Moynahans had not gone to Snelgrove to purchase a horse. In fact, no one in the Moynahan home ever even said "I wish we had a horse" (although a nunnery eagerly recruiting young girls may have played a small part)

On Wednesday January 13, 1971,  E.J. Moynahan purchased a horse and this is their "Moynahan Horse Tale".

Sunday, January 31, 2021

COVID Lockdowns and Genealogy Gold!

In 2020, because of COVID lock-downs and staying at home, I finally tackled a storage closet on my third floor that had boxes that had not been touched in over a decade!

I read and sorted through over thirty years of genealogy notes and letters and a letter from my first cousin (2x), fellow artist and genealogist Evelyn (Lennon) Janice (1916-2009) is pure gold.

Evelyn (Lennon) Janice (1916-2009) (lower left) writes about her connection to Timothy Moynahan (1813-1902) (seated upper write)

Evelyn’s letter connects the Maidstone Moynahans to Timothy Moynahan (1813-1902) who lived at the corner of Mercer & Tuscarora (Windsor) and had a spare room for a grand niece (Catherine (Moynahan) Lennon) who needed a place to stay so that she could attend Windsor Collegiate (Goyeau and Elliott)