Sunday, February 24, 2019

Finding Our Hussey Ancestors in Co. Galway, Ireland

This blog post is the third of several that I hope will assist me in locating the townlands and parishes of my ancestors in Ireland. My brother, sister and I will be visiting Ireland and staying in Co. Galway in 2019.


Co. Galway, Ireland: 1840-1860

"Like most towns in Ireland, Galway was used to food shortages; they had occurred here in 1816, 1817, 1822, 1831, and in 1842 there were food riots in the city. Nobody, however, was prepared for what happened in 1845 when the potato crop failed. As winter approached, the situation did not seem any worse than usual, though people were concerned about food being exported from the docks while there was a shortage locally."

Margaret Minahan with the "Gold Tooth"

When I came across this 1912 entry for Margaret Minihan of Tilbury, what captured my imagination was "Distinguishing marks: gold tooth right side upper" and "Griswold House". It made me curious about Margaret Minihan of Tilbury, Ontario.

The National Archives at Washington, D.C; Washington, D.C.; Series Title: Card Manifests (Alphabetical) of Individuals Entering through the Port of Detroit, Michigan, 1906-1954; NAI: 4527226; Record Group Title: Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1787-2004; Record Group: Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1787-2004

Monday, February 11, 2019

Nellie Moynahan & Niece Mary Broderick

I was delighted to come across this 1939 news clipping recently from the Windsor Star. 
It made me think about the life of my great-aunt Nellie Moynahan (1865-1940) and her niece Mary whom she raised.

Source: Clipped from The Windsor Star, 11 Apr 1939, Tue, Page 16

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Finding Our Broderick Ancestors in Co. Clare, Ireland

This blog post is the second of several that I hope will assist me in locating the townlands and parishes of my ancestors in Ireland. My brother, sister and I will be visiting Ireland and staying in Co. Clare in 2019.

My 3rd great grandparents Michael and Margaret (McNally) Broderick emigrated from county Clare, Ireland in 1843 with my 2nd great grandfather Martin Broderick (born 1831).

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Capt. James Minihan (1840-1899)

Capt. James Minihan as pictured in
"A brief history of the Tenth Michigan Cavalry by Trowbridge, L. S., 1836-1912"
I became curious about a Capt. James Minihan who I found while researching my Colorado cousins. James showed up in: