Friday, October 12, 2018

John Moreland's Sister Jemima Hind: Was She Sent To Canada?

Between 1870 and 1933, over 100,000 juvenile migrants from the British Isles went to Canada, with around 7,000 children coming from The Orphan Homes of Scotland. (It is estimated that there are around 250,000 descendants of these emigrants living in Canada today.)

I have never felt a direct connection to the British Home Children except that I supported the movement to lobby the government of Canada to have them Declare a National British Home Child Day
On February 7, House of Commons motion M-133, sponsored by Conservative MP Guy Lauzon (Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry), passed unanimously 294–0 in Parliament. The motion declares September 28 national British Home Child Day.
I have never felt a DIRECT connection until this morning when I got curious about my great grandfather's sister Jemima Gray Hind.

Undated/Unsourced photo of British Home Children found online at

 Jemima G. Hind

When I was preparing the Oct. 10 post about my great grandfather John Moreland (1882-1940), I became curious about John's older sister Jemima G. Hind found on the 1881 census with him and his mother and sister Catherine (below).

Source: 1881 Scotland Census; Parish: Glasgow Barony;
ED: 90; Page: 23; Line: 24; Roll: cssct1881_229b
My 2nd great grandmother Agnes Bell Hind Moreland died on the 3rd of January 1888 at 36 years of age leaving behind four small children. Her husband Charles Moreland was a steamship fireman and, following her death, her four children Jemima, Catherine, John and Mary were located in the 1891 censuses as follows:
  1. 11-year-John and his sister 7-year-old Mary are found at the Smithston/Ravenscraig/Lochilhead workhouse for children .
    • John became a career soldier, fought in WWI, married his Dover, England bride and moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia. He died a Quarter Master Sergeant of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery in Kingston, Ontario.
    • Mary became an attendant at the Lochilhead Poorhouse/Asylum (and later a nurse) and she was married at Lochilhead in 1904 to Lochilhead Poorhouse/Asylum attendant William Stenhouse who was the son of a Police Contable. Mary remained in Scotland all her life.
  2. 14-year-old Catherine is found in 1891 at 53 Drumfrochar Rd, in the town of Greenock, Scotland working as a domestic for the Smith family (Head of household Margaret Smith is noted as a "Mariner's wife" and the "mariner" is not listed on the census)
    • Catherine married Alexander Freeman (d. 1919) and they had a daughter Agnes. Catherine's second marriage was to widower John Gentles. Catherine remained in Scotland all her life.
  3. 15-year-old Jemima is found in in 1891 living as a domestic for the Campbell family in Montreal Quebec. I am still searching for her final resting place.
Here is the story of Jemima Gray Hind who I discovered was one of the infamous Quarrier Children.

1889 Aboard the Vessel Siberian 

At the top of the page was written "Mr. Quarrier children" and they were sorted by their ages on the page "17, 16, 15, 14, 13 etc to 4".

I found my 2nd great aunt Jemima Gray Hind in the twelve-year-olds list.

The vessel she had sailed on, the S.S. SIBERIAN, had stopped in Quebec, Quebec but the destination (according to the manifest) was Brockville, Ontario.

Source Citation  Library and Archives Canada; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; Series: RG 76-C; Roll: C-4537

Jemima Hind and the other children were met by a Mr. Burgess and he then proceeded with the children to Montreal, Quebec.

Source Citation  Library and Archives Canada; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; Series: RG 76-C; Roll: C-4537
This photograph below (taken in June 1885) is on the SAME vessel (the S.S. SIBERIAN) that Jemima was also "shipped" on in June 1889

SOURCE: Children in this party include: ​ANDERSON    Elizabeth ANDERSON    Mary BALLANTYNE    Bella BLAIR    Margaret BRAND    Nellie BROWN    Davina BROWN    Jessie BROWN    Martha BUCKINGHAM    M A BURCHELL    Ellen CAIRNS    Mary CAMERON    Margaret CARNEY    Mary A CHINGWEN    Ada CHINGWEN    Thomas CHINGWIN    Minnie CHINGWIN    Effie CLARK    Agnes COOK    Kate CORBETT    Christian CORBETT    Mary A DELSY    Annie DOCHERTY    Margaret DUDGEON    Euphamy DUFF    Willie DULY    Lizz DUNCAN    Alexis DUNNING    Agnes ELDER    Lizz ELDER    Sarah ENGLISH    Margaret FEE    Bridget FINDLATTER    Robert FINNIGEN    Margaret FLEMING    Mina FORD    Mary FRAME    Catherine GLASS    Jenie GORDON    Margaret GORDON    Jean GOULD    Agnes GREELIN    Margaret GREELIN    Mary I HARPER    Jane HARPER    Ann HAY    Lizz HAY    Boyce HIGGINS    Jane HIGGINS    Jane HILL    Mary HOLBORN    Christian HOLT    Margaret HUTTON    Nellie KELLY    Elizabeth LANG    Jeanie LANG    Jessie LEIPER    Jane LEIPER    Annie MAIN    Elizabeth MARTIN    Marion McCONNELL    Jane McCRIOL    Catherine McDEVITT    Jane McDONALD    Jessie McDONALD    Elizabeth McFARLANE    Jean McGILL    Julia McGREELY    Susan McGREGOR    Margaret McINDAL    Mary McKAY    Jessie McLEAN    Christiana McLEAN    Jessie McLEAN    Jean McLEAN    Dina McLEISH    Isabel McLEISH    Leane McLEOD    Catherine McLEOD    Barbara McMURTRIE    Jessie McMURTRIE    David McNEIL    Emmily McNEIL    Hana McONE    Bella McTAVISH    Maryz McTAVISH    Margaret MELROSE    Elizabeth MILLER    Mary MILLER    Jessie MILLER    Margaret MILLER    Grace MILLS    Lizz MITCHELL    Jane MOFFAT    Margaret MOFFAT    Bella MONE    Mary MOORE    Margaret MOORE    James MORILUR    Mary MORTIMER    Mary MORTON    Margaret MUIR    Bella MUIR    Annie MUNRO    Maggie MURDOCK    Georgina MURPHY    Marion MURRAY    Helen MURRAY    Margaret NOBLE    Ann NOBLE    Susan PARKER    Elizabeth PEPPER    Emma PEPPER    Annie PERRIE    Sarah PHILLIPS    Jane PIERCE    Mary RATCHFORD    Ann REID    Lizz ROBERTSON    Mary ROBERTSON    Mary ROSS    Annabelle ROSS    Mary SCOTT    Margaret SHIELDS    Mary SMITH    Agnes SPEIRS    Katie SPEIRS    Robert STEWART    Mary STEWART    William SWAN    Katie TAYLOR    Jane THOMPSON    Katie THOMPSON    Annie TRAVIS    Ellen WARDEN    Mary WATERSON    Lizz WEMYSS    Alexis WHITEN    Joan WHITEN    Isobell YOUNG    Margaret 

 Quarriers male children arrive at a holding house in Canada in March 26,1889.
Read more at:

1891 Montreal Quebec

I located Jemima working as a domestic for the Campbell family in Montreal, Quebec and I was curious why she did not proceed to Brockville with the rest of the children?

 Year: 1891; Census Place: St Antoine Ward, Montréal Centre, Quebec; Roll: T-6406; Family No: 30

1901 Brockville, Ontario

 By 1901, Jemima has arrived in Brockvillle, Ontario and this is the census that indicated her arrival year as 1889 and MOST importantly, her birth date of June 23, 1876 which matches the birth certificate provided by my cousin B.C.

Source: Year: 1901; Census Place: Elizabethtown, Brockville, Ontario; Page: 9; Family No: 86
Jemima is living in the home of Alexander Burges (b 1852) and Ann M. Burgess (b 1845). I learned that Alexander Burges was the Superintendant of the Quarrier receiving home in Brockville known as Fairknowe House

Burgess was also the name of the man who met the ship S.S, Siberian of Quarrier children in Quebec back in 1889. Alexandr Burges died in 1909.

Birth: Jemima Gray Hind; 1876

What Happened To Jemima Hind?

Agnes was 1 of 7,000 Scottish children who were sent from Scotland to Canada between 1871-1938!

The more I searched, the more details I found about a Glasgow shoemaker William Quarrier, who founded the Orphan Homes of Scotland and who opened his own Canadian receiving home, 'Fairknowe', at Brockville, Ontario.

I have sent  £25  to the Quarriers Bridge of Weir Renfrewshire, for Jemima Hind's records and will update once I receive a response. In the meantime I am reading the yearly Quarrier’s Narratives of Facts to see if there is any mention of Jemima.

I plan to visit Brockville and the Fairknowe house , the last known location for Jemima Gray Hind, which is only one hour away from where I presently live.

This video below gives a comprehensive summary of the "British Home Children" ( see: It was created by Lori Oschefski of the British Home Children Advocacy & Research Association

Quarrier records 

The Quarrier records can be accessed through their web site at: Quarriers Bridge of Weir Renfrewshire, Information on Quarriers including photos and free downloads of their newsletters (often containing the immigration photos of the parties of children) is found at: 

I Found Jemima Hind in the British Home Child Registry 
BHC # 7496


Jemima Gray Hind's 1889 Voyage to Canada

Thanks to the Quarrier’s Narratives of Facts I have learned more about Jemima's voyage for Scotland May 30, 1880 arriving in Quebec on June 11, 1889.

Source: Quarrier "Narrative of Facts" 1889 Page 32

Source: Quarrier "Narrative of Facts" 1889 Page 33
In July 1889, one of the girls on the same ship as Jemima wrote to Mr. and Mrs. Quarrier about the trip from her point of view:

Source: Quarrier "Narrative of Facts" 1889 Page 38


  • Documentary: "Forgotten" discussed on TVO Watch Online Until: Oct 27, 2018
  • Library and Archives Canada  Quarrier’s Orphan Homes of Scotland 
  • Library and Archives Canada: Home Children Records 
  • Library and Archives Canada: Jemina HIND (29487) 
  • British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa (BIFHSGO)
  • British Home Children in Canada 
  • Canada Now Has a National British Home Child Day 
  • University of Waterloo: How To Search: Young Immigrants to Canada
  • Heritage: Department of Immigration: Juvenile inspection report cards [ca. 1913-1932]  8 reels (Jemima not found o Reel T-15423)
  • Heritage: Department of Immigration: Soundex card index to names of children in selected first central registry files  3 reels
  • Heritage: Arthur Meighen : Series 3, correspondence : C-3454  1395 pages with full-text search [?]
  • The Golden Bridge Child Migration from Scotland to Canada 1869–1939
  • William Quarrier’s Home Children Association
  • Quarrier's Homes, Bridge of Weir, Renfrewshire, Scotland
  • Fairknowe Home, Brockville, Ontario, Canada 
  • Quarrier’s Narratives of Facts are annual reports describing the work of the Orphan Homes of Scotland in the previous year. The collection on this page contains scans of 57 editions dating from 1872 to 1928. They contains stories, images and letters from the home children. British Home Children in Canada
  • Source: Undated article  article by Christina Blizzard/Toronto Sun

    1. Very well put together - an amazing story of how our National British Home Children's Day led to the discovery of one in your family. Thank you for sharing our video! Welcome to our BHC Family.

      1. Thank YOU Lori for your tireless work. Jemima Gray Hind would still be a question mark in our family tree if it weren’t for folks like you advocating to have these children recognized and remembered. Thank you so much

    2. Amazing story and detective work on your part, Cindi! So thorough, and I look forward to what you find out about Jemima. I wondered for a moment if the Campbell family in Montreal was related to mine -- also in St. Antoine Ward. My Great-great grandfather, David Campbell, and his brother, John Campbell both lived there (though not together) with their families and both ran cooperages. However, my ggg-uncle John Campbell's wife was Sarah, and his children were David, John, Mary Jane and Frederick. It would have been interesting if our families had crosses paths long ago.

      1. Thanks Laurie and YES! Wouldn’t that be amazing if we learned they were in fact the same Campbells! It truly is a small world! And its totally possible!
